Cleaning and Handling of Optical Elements
There are two main aspects involved in handling optical components:
Keeping the optical component clean and without any damage along the production, inspection and assembling, packaging and storage until delivery (shipping) to the customer (internal or external). Dirty or damaged item may limit or destroy functionality, delay delivery, damage the company's reputation and inflate costs.*
Maintaining employee health and safety while handling optical components in the presence of hazardous material, e.g., the component's raw material and the cleaning solvents materials.*
*Taken from Optics Inspection and Testing – A Guide for Optics Inspectors and Designers, Chapter 19 Handling Optical Components, page 441 by Michael Hausner, Published by SPIE Press (2017).
The Proper Care of Optics: Cleaning, Handling, Storage, and Shipping (2 January 2019), by Robert Schalck. ISBN: 9781510625754. Published by SPIE.
Website: https://spie.org/Publications/Book/2518745?SSO=1
Cleaning Optical Surfaces (How to care for and clean optical surfaces) by Ismael Cordero, ORBIS International.
Website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033619/
Cleaning Procedure for Optics by SUNEX INC., USA.
Website: https://www.sunex.com/cleaning-procedure-for-optics/#:~:text=Start%20first%20by%20blowing%20off,around%20a%20low%2Dlint%20swab
Cleaning of Optical Surfaces – pages 126 and 127 from Optics and Coatings by Layertec.
Website: https://psci.com.sg/Upload/layertec/selectedspecialcomponents-15053440668.pdf
Cleaning of Laser Optics – page 41 from Standard Catalog 2020/21 by Layertec.
Website: https://www.layertec.de/files/catalog/LAYERTEC_Standard_Catalog_2020-2021.pdf
Guide to Cleaning Optics by Crystran LTD.
Download Link: Click Here
Cleaning of Optics by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta.
Website: https://www.rp-photonics.com/cleaning_of_optics.html
Optics Handling and Care Tutorial by Thorlabs, Inc.
Website: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=9025
RSS Optics Cleating Procedures by Kenneth Nordsieck (University of Wisconsin) and J. Alan Schier (The Pilot Group), Document Number: SALT-3125AM0005, Version 1.1, 4 Nov, 2014 – Newport Corporation.
Website: http://www.sal.wisc.edu/pfis/docs/rss-vis/archive/protected/pfis/3120/3125AM0005_Optics_Cleaning_Procedures_v1.1.pdf
Cleaning Optical Filters by Semrock, a part of IDEX Health & Science, LLC.
Website: https://www.semrock.com/cleaning-optical-filters.aspx
Optics Handling by IDEX Corporation.
Website: https://advancedthinfilms.com/optics_handling.php#
Cleaning Optics: Choosing the Best Method by CVI Laser Optics - Div. of IDEX Optical Technologies.
Website: http://www.photonics.com/EDU/Handbook.aspx?AID=32199
The Dirt on Cleaning Optics by Emily Kubacki, CVI Lasers LLC (reprinted from the March 2006 issue of PHOTONICS SPECTRA © Laurin Publishing). CVI Lasers LLC is a part of IDEX Optical Technologies.
Website: https://www.photonics.com/Articles/The_Dirt_on_Cleaning_Optics/a24578
Cleaning Procedure for MELLES GRIOT Optics – created by Peter Allard and Kintesh Patel (10/25/99), updated by Ross Boltin (7/11/02), edited by Bryce Furlong (Rev. C) - MELLES GRIOT is a part of IDEX Optical Technologies.
Website: https://www.cvilaseroptics.com/media/wysiwyg/cms-pages/pdf/cleaning_methods.pdf
Cleaning Mirrors by Dr. Clay Sherrod, Arkansas Sky Observatories.
Website: https://www.holographyforum.org/wiki/Cleaning_Mirrors
Care and Cleaning of Laser Optics by Directed Light Inc.
Website: http://directedlight.com/laser-components/catalog/%EF%BF%BCcare-and-cleaning-of-optics/
Technical Note: How to Clean Optics by Newport Corporation.
Website: https://www.newport.com/n/how-to-clean-optics
Handling and Cleaning of Optics by TYDEX.
Website: http://www.tydexoptics.com/pdf/HCO_Eng.pdf
Cleaning Optical Surfaces by Irving F. Stowers and Howard G. Patton, Proc. SPIE Volume 0140, Optical Coatings: Applications and Utilization II; (26 September, 1978).
Website: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.956265
Optical Mirror Cleaning Procedures by Optiforms.
Website: https://www.optiforms.com/resources/optical-reflector-cleaning-procedures/
Cleaning ZnSe Optics by ULO Optics Ltd.
Website: https://www.ulooptics.com/cleaning-znse-optics/
Do’s & Don’ts of Cleaning Optics by Jon Allen, TRACT Optics LLC.
Website: https://tractoptics.com/blog/dos-donts-of-cleaning-optics
Care and Maintenance of the Microscope Contributing Authors by Rudi Rottenfusser - Zeiss Microscopy Consultant, 46 Landfall, Falmouth, Massachusetts, 02540. Erin E. Wilson and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310. Approved by ZEISS.
Website: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/solutions/reference/basic-microscopy/care-and-maintenance-of-the-microscope.html#immersion-oil (should be used for all English language countries outside the US) or https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/solutions/reference/basic-microscopy/care-and-maintenance-of-the-microscope.html#immersion-oil (should be used for people in the UK).
Optic Handling During Manufacturing by StarFish Medical.
Website: https://starfishmedical.com/blog/optics-handling-during-manufacturing/
Cleaning Optical Surfaces (26 September 1978) by Irving F. Stowers and Howard G. Patton, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (United States). Published in SPIE. Proceeding Vol. 0140, Optical Coatings: Applications and Utilization II (Editors: Gary W. DeBell and Douglas H. Harrison; doi: 10.1117/12.956265.
Webstore: https://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Paper/10.1117/12.956265?SSO=1
Cleaning of parts for precision-optic and glass substrates before coating (19 May 2003) by J. Strobel, SPIE Proceedings Volume 10314, Optifab 2003: Technical Digest; 103140Z, Event: OptiFab 2003, 2003, Rochester, NY, United States.
Webstore: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2284024
Cleaning of substrates by LASEROPTIC GmbH.
Website: https://www.laseroptik.de/en/customer-service/cleaning-of-substrates
Cleaning & Maintenance by Ophir Optronics Solutions LTD. (part of MKS Instruments, Inc.).
Website: https://www.ophiropt.com/infrared/cleaning-maintenance/
Cleaning Methods for SupIR Lens assembly EXTERNAL LENS by Ophir Optronics Solutions LTD. (part of MKS Instruments, Inc.).
Website: https://www.ophiropt.com/optics/downloads/ophir_optrinics_supir_cleaning_sheet.pdf
Cleaning and Handling Methods for CO2 Optics by Ophir Optronics Solutions LTD. (part of MKS Instruments, Inc.).
Website: https://www.ophiropt.com/user_files/co2/co2_optics_cleaning_data_sheet.pdf
Optical Components Cleaning Instructions by EKSMA Optics.
Website: https://eksmaoptics.com/out/media/EKSMA_Optics_Optical_Component_Cleaning.pdf
Optics Inspection and Testing – A Guide for Optics Inspectors and Designers, Chapter 19 Handling Optical Components, pages 441-457 by Michael Hausner, Published by SPIE Press (2017), Webstore: https://spie.org/Publications/Book/2237066?SSO=1
Cleaning Optics by Edmund Optics.
Website: https://www.edmundoptics.com/knowledge-center/application-notes/optics/cleaning-optics/
Care and Cleaning of Optics by Foreal Spectrum.
Website: https://forealspectrum.com/technolog/care-and-cleaning-of-optics/
Cleaning of Lenses and Mirrors by LBP Optics.
Website: https://www.lbp.co.uk/technical/cleaning.html
Cleaning ZnSe optics by Laser Machining Inc. LMI AB.
Website: https://www.lmiab.se/en/znse_cleaning
Cleaning & Handling Procedure by II-VI Incorporated.
Website: https://www.ii-vi.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Handling-Cleaning-Procedure.pdf
Cleaning and handling of optical elements - live
Quick Tips for Cleaning Optics by Edmund Optics.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdNS2mGSTfI&t=45s
How to Clean Optics by Newport Corporation, (part of MKS Instruments, Inc.).
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pq4SeNmFYw
Optic Cleaning Instruction by II-VI.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7NduedSVKI&t=114s
How to Clean Laser Optics, Laser Lens, Laser Mirrors, etc. by Directed Light Inc.
Website: https://youtu.be/IGfz3E848-0
Carl Zeiss Lenses - High quality cleaning for optical surfaces by Carl Zeiss.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syOzecbtuwg
Proper Optics Handling Techniques by Edmund Optics.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_-ckbX70lU
First Contact Optics Cleaner by Altechna.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slmiBnGMvvU&list=TLPQMTkwOTIwMjDB6e3EmZDalw&index=4
First Contact™ Optic Cleaner by Newport Corporation (part of MKS Instruments, Inc.).
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWrJWya3lko
Spot Cleaning Cinematography Optics, Refractor Optics and other Mounted Optics by First Contact Polymer.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhoeS3uzioU
EIT Optics Cleaning Using IPA and Cotton Swabs by EIT Instrument Market.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M4fcZAfNcM
Dry and Wet Lens Cleaning Tutorial by David Hancock.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox2AZq09fjU
Removing Fingerprints from Telescope Mirrors by Spectrum Coatings.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMH0WQETxKw
How to clean Semrock optical filters by Semrock.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIguFvl64-Q
Lens Handler Operations by Opto Elignment.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eHnrxYyb5k
Cleaning, Care, and Maintenance of Microscopes by Thomas J. Fellers and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310. Copyright © 1998-2019 by Michael W. Davidson and the Florida State University.
Website: https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/anatomy/cleaning.html